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Medicina occidental : un sistema en el que los mĆ©dicos y otros profesionales de la salud (como enfermeras, farmacĆ©uticos y terapeutas) tratan los sĆ­ntomas y enfermedades con medicamentos, radiaciĆ³n o cirugĆ­a. TambiĆ©n se llama medicina alopĆ”tica, biomedicina, medicina convencional, medicina convencional y medicina ortodoxa.

En los Ćŗltimos 150 aƱos, la medicina moderna ha hecho grandes avances en el diagnĆ³stico y tratamiento de enfermedades, malestares y lesiones. Los avances incluyen la teorĆ­a de gĆ©rmenes, enfermedades infecciosas, rayos X, quimioterapia, medicamentos de sulfonamida, antibiĆ³ticos, vacunas antibacterianas, insulina, cortisona, vitaminas, anestesia, cirugĆ­a cardĆ­aca, trasplante de Ć³rganos, producciĆ³n de medicamentos, ultrasonido, resonancia magnĆ©tica y tomografĆ­a computarizada. Ha sido realmente notable que estas fantĆ”sticas mejoras hayan aumentado drĆ”sticamente la esperanza de vida de los seres humanos en todo el mundo.

Sin embargo, la medicina occidental se centra principalmente en el tratamiento de enfermedades y relega la prevenciĆ³n como un objetivo secundario. El problema de la medicina moderna en Estados Unidos y Europa es que las compaƱƭas de seguros, las cadenas de hospitales y la industria farmacĆ©utica la monetizaron, que anteponen las ganancias de los accionistas al bienestar de los pacientes.

Nosotros, que tenemos la suerte de vivir con la medicina occidental, tenemos la opciĆ³n, si nos lo podemos permitir, de utilizar los Ćŗltimos instrumentos mĆ©dicos de diagnĆ³stico, como monitores portĆ”tiles de glucosa, colesterol y presiĆ³n arterial, o un sistema de diagnĆ³stico asistido por computadora de Ćŗltima generaciĆ³n como IBM Watson Health.


Whole Earth Tools recomienda utilizar todas las herramientas disponibles para prevenir, diagnosticar y tratar todas las enfermedades y lesiones, pero cree que la responsabilidad y la prevenciĆ³n de la propia salud son lo primero.






Alternatives to Roundup

Roundup products contain glyphosate, a chemical linked to cancer and other illnesses. Chemical alternatives to Roundup can also contain toxic ingredients, but safe alternatives to Roundup include soap, vinegar, salt or iron-based sprays, mulching and integrated weed management.


Why Use Alternatives to Roundup?

Roundup is a popular glyphosate-containing herbicide used in home gardens and agricultural settings. Research on Roundup and cancer has found that cancer risk increased by 41% with high long-term exposure to glyphosate. Currently, the warning label on Roundup products does not indicate this risk, but the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is re-evaluating whether glyphosate is an environmental contaminant and, as part of this review, will re-evaluate its cancer risk.

Further research has linked glyphosate to non-Hodgkin lymphoma and oxidative stress in the body, which can be a precursor to cancer and other diseases. Additionally, a 2023 study shows that glyphosate may increase estrogenic activity in breast tissue cancer cells, causing abnormal cell growth.


The links between Roundup and cancer leave many people looking for alternatives to the herbicide. Natural Roundup alternatives use soaps, oil or acid to kill weeds, but some other options use salt, vinegar or boiling water. These safe alternatives to Roundup can be effective if used properly.


Glyphosate is an herbicide used to kill weeds. It’s the active ingredient in Roundup and other weed killers, and can cause various side effects. Recent lawsuits have claimed that exposure to glyphosate in Roundup has led to certain cancers, including non-Hodgkin lymphoma.


What Is Glyphosate?

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup and several other commercial weed killers. Its chemical name is N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine. The widely used herbicide is available as an acid, a salt, a solid, and an amber-colored liquid.

Farmers use glyphosate to eliminate unwanted weeds that compete with crops for sunshine, nutrients, and water. Breathing or coming into contact with glyphosate can lead to certain reactions, including irritations of the skin, throat, and lungs.

Bayer, which manufactures Roundup, said it would remove any lawn and garden products that contain glyphosate from the market in 2023. Multiple Roundup lawsuits name the company as a defendant in lawsuits that allege the weed killer caused them to develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma and other cancers.


How Does Glyphosate Work?

Glyphosate suppresses the enzyme EPSP synthase, which contributes to plant growth. The inhibited enzyme reduces a plant’s ability to synthesize the amino acids it needs to grow. A plant’s stems and leaves absorb the chemical, and then carry it to the roots. Once it reaches the roots, glyphosate stops the plant from absorbing nutrients from the ground, leading to its death.

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